Cheeky Chase
This encounter is a chase sequence with the PCs attempting to catch an NPC. It is presented as a street urchin pickpocketing a player's coin pouch but depending on your game/plot this could be a spy, member of an opposing faction, etc. The scenario consists of 12 skill challenges for the players to overcome. The NPC starts on the 3rd square, having gotten a bit of a headstart before calling for a player perception check to notice your missing belt pouch. This could easily be adjusted to present an easier or more difficult challenge.The DC of all checks is based on the player level as found here, which again may be altered to provide different levels of difficulty. A relevant lore skill may be attempted in place of one of the default checks with a DC of 2 lower.
The chase segment begins in the center of a city, and should it progress far enough moves into the outskirts and finally the wilderness. Should the target make it to the end of the chase sequence, they are presumed to have escaped and may be encountered later or hunted down through other methods at the GMs discretion.
For the chase itself, a player chooses how recklessly they wish to follow. They may spend all 3 actions to carefully and automatically move past one challenge. Alternatively, they may attempt a 2 challeges in a single turn with each check taking a -2 penalty. Or finally they may attempt to pass 3 challenges in a round with each check having a -4 penalty. Failure ends your chase action. The chase assumes a baseline of 25 movespeed. For every 5 feet above or below this movespeed a PC has they gain a +1 or -1 bonus to each check.
At the start of each round, the escapee chooses to automatically progress a single square. Additionally they target the lead pursuer in an attempt to slow them down. The nature of this attempt will vary based upon your chosen thief, such as a mage casting command to force the leader to flee thus losing their turn. In the case of the pickpocket they will be shouting that you are trying to kidnap them, causing people to attempt to stop your pursuit with a flat DC 11 check to continue unimpeded.
1. Narrow alley blocked by a fence - Athletics to climb over
2. Crowd in the market - Diplomacy or Intimidate to clear a path
3. Rearing horse - Handle Animal
4. Construction zite - Perception to find a good route through the area
5. Billowing smoke from forge - Fortitude Save to avoid choking
6. clothes lines - Acrobatics to tumble through without getting tangled up
After the first 6 challenges, the pursuit leaves the town and the players encouter less urban difficulties.
7. Poison ivy underbrush - Nature to avoid
8. Large ditch - Acrobatics or Athletics to jump
9. Lost sight -Survival to follow tracks
10. The Bees, yes the bees! - Reflex Save
11. Lake - Athletics to swim across or Society to know the location of the nearest easier crossing
12. Bear - Stealth to sneak by unnoticed
If the players have not caught up by this point, the pickpocket has escaped and the PCs win the prize of an encounter with a bear.
Some alternate challenge options are listed below if you want to mix it up for players who are encounting the challenges at different rates.
FANTASTIC deal on something. will save
free tile the obstacle has moved on or no longer an issue
drunkards - Deception to tell them free drinks are elsewhere
startled pigeons - Reflex