Everyone loves a good pub crawl. This one is usable for any level and DCs have intentionally been left blank to fit your party level. Inspiration is taken from the board game The Red Dragon Inn.Special thanks to this reddit thread for the idea and some tavern names. Many of the tavern names and NPCs used were specific to my campaign, so feel free to alter at will.

The rules are simple. Players start with 0 alcohol points and 20 hp (much like RDI). If at any point your alcohol value meets or exceeds your hp then your character has passed out. As an optional rule, you can allow your players to take a drink to get +1 on their next check, or take a shot to gain advantage. (Please drink responsibly.)

Clerics are on hand at the end of the pub crawl to provide healing and cast a zone of truth on anyone that completes the gauntlet. This ensures no healing magic or other gimmicks were used to cheat the contest.

Players are instructed to begin at the Red Dragon Inn and collect their stamp card. From there they may visit the taverns in any order, although it will be suggested they save the Seven Cat’s Inn for later in the evening as the drinks there are beneficial. Drinks will provide 2 alcohol points unless otherwise noted. Most drinks additionally have an extra effect that is largely for flavor. Every 3 combined points of HP and AP gives players a cumulative -1 to all checks as they become increasingly inebriated.


The Red Dragon Inn
This is your typical tavern. Loud and boisterous.

Dragon’s breath ale is extremely spicy. Fort save or vomit. Success means you can breathe fire for a minute
Gold Dragon Gin - will save or it turns you into a golden dragon hatchling for 1 minute
The Iridescent Wyvern - player glows and sprouts glitter wings

The Lusty Lizard Folk
This bar is often populated by Lizardfolk, Kobolds, and other scaled creatures. Everyone inside the tavern must be naked, and patrons are each provided a finely crafted snakeskin belt to hang their weapons on if they so choose. A prostitute with lycanthropy is plying their trade. Anyone who takes them up on their services has a DC19 fort save or contract lycanthropy themselves.

Ozrik’s Powerale - advantage on performance checks for one hour
Scale Ale w/ a chaser - 1 alcohol+another drink
Lusty Lager - will save or be very enamored with first person you see for one hour

Inn Definitely Not Run by Doppelgangers
This tavern, despite the name, is in fact run by doppelgangers. So much so in fact, that when the players enter the tavern, they will notice everyone inside looks like one of the PCs. Additionally when they sit down they’ll find that the stools are all mimics that do 1d2 damage reflex negates.

Mimic drink - pale ale on the menu, actually mimic reflex save to avoid getting bitten
Blood light - causes iridescent blood veins for 5 minutes
Lucky rabbit foot - severed rabbit foot in the drink

Blind Basilisk
Patrons of this tavern must wear blindfold to enter. It is a popular location for more seedy folk who don’t wish to be seen.
Blind Knife Throwing Knife Competition!
D20+DEX: 1-10 miss the target. 10-14 outer ring. 14-18 middle ring. 18-19 inner ring. 20 bullseye. 50% miss chance due to blindness. 3 throws each. PCs can play each other or NPCs for gold / rewards etc. The current champion is a blindsight oracle who is unaffected by the blindfold.
The Basilisk's Gaze - 3 minute petrify power
Hellspawn Stout - Once drunk the player bursts into flames.
Unicorn Blood - The player grows a unicorn horn for 1 hour, fort save negates

Inn Harm’s Way
Event: Before being served a drink at this inn, each PC must don a kobold mask and join in a mosh pit.
Mosh Pit
Mosh pit lasts until the PCs have done 4xPlayer damage to the crowd. Each round the PCs will take 1 damage as fists and knees invariably connect. A group of PCs that enters the arena and obviously avoids hitting each other will cause the crowd to team up against them; this requires the PCs to do 8xPlayer damage and take 2 damage each round until complete.
Kobold Punch - This drink does hp damage instead of ap as a fist forms out of the liquid and punches you in the face.
Goblinade - When completed this drink summons a Goblin butler that will follow your orders for one minutes before exploding.

Seven Cat’s Inn
Event: The players must perform Karaoke. A bad performance gets one of the top 2 drinks. A decent performance gets the First Mate’s Lime Juice, and a great performance gives the Fatal Feline.

Deirdre’s Detoxifying Drought - Heals 2 AP
Ohava’s Healing Brew - Heals 2 HP
First Mate’s Lime juice - Heals 1d4 HP
Fatal Feline - Katsune for an hour Heals 2 HP and 2 AP

Naughty Nymph
This tavern only serves one drink, but it is delicious. Currently there is a bachelorette party being thrown at the location. The partygoers are extremely drunk by this point and make outlandish requests of the PCs such as to go steal some orc underwear or round up some dhampir strippers. PCs can be rewarded for helping out here.

Purified Potent Pixie powered punch- 3 alcohol and roll 1d4 for pixie powder effect
Charm (emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental) The target suffers the effects of a charm spell, except it doesn’t gain a bonus to its save if the only hostile act was the pixie firing its bow, and the pixie can choose to direct the target’s adoration toward another creature rather than itself.
Memory Loss (divination, mental) On a failed Will save, the target loses the last 5 minutes of its memory.
Sleep (enchantment, incapacitation, mental, sleep) The target suffers the effects of a 3rd-level sleep spell.
Subdual (enchantment, mental, nonlethal) The target takes 4d6 mental damage, depending on its basic Will save.

Tipsy Troll Tavern
This tavern is typically populated by Trolls, Orcs, and other such creatures. To be served a drink here you must wrestle a troll with Athletics checks.

Troll swill - 2 alcohol. Fort save to avoid vomiting. Failure gives 1 alcohol and you must try again
Orcish Rotgut - fort save or acts as laxative
Troll Swole - Troll Swole makes you look jacked, str check advantage for the next 5 minutes

The Familiar Wizard
This tavern is popular with all manner of arcane practitioners. You can frequently see crowds of familiars flying, crawling, or running around. Players are given their choice of drink here.

Malt of Invention - Advantage on crafting checks for the next hour
Timewarp Tonic - teleport into future 5 minutes,
Eve’s Mystery mead - Roll on your favorite random magical effect table. For example
Wizard’s Wine - teleport around room for 1d20 rounds

The Drunken Owlbear - It’s a hoot!
This inn is run by a family of halflings that have been polymorphed into owlbears through a botched magical experiment.

Howl at the moon - Player must run outside and howl at the moon(will negates) . If the player has been to the Lusty Lizardfolk and contracted lycanthropey they have disadvantage, and this will turn them into a werewolf.
Wolfsbane tonic - Additional 2 hp damage to werewolves.
Hunter’s Hooch - advantage of survival checks for a minute

The Final Dwarf

Hair of the dwarf - grow big ole dwarven beard and hairy feet fort save
Dwarven Firewater - Steam from ears
Grandma’s Sweat Stout - sweat rivers. Great for weighing in. Need to drink lot of water

TNT(Totally Normal Tavern)
This Pub is run by a tinkerer, unfortunately the contraptions are all dangerous, such as the beard trimmer 9000 that attempts to shave you as you walk in the door and will do 1d2 damage reflex negates, or the automated cleaning unit which will slam your leg with the same effect. Players roll 1d4 to determine their drinks as the owner hurriedly slides them a glass before going to put out a fire.

Nitrel Glycerin - D20 roll 1-5 to slow blows up on face, 6-15 right speed, 16+ too fast blows up in stomach
Wrench’s Ale-o-matic - must do 2 drinks quick succession
Adorabomb - makes you covered in glitter and adorable clothes
Gizmo Grade Oil - 2 hp as you are accidentally served the wrong drink. Fort save to avoid vomiting. Failure gives loses 1 hp and you must try again

Random Events
If you are so inclined, there is a lot of opportunity for extra events in the bars or while traveling between them. Examples:

A few extra drink ideas that didn’t make it in:

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