Barghest Birthday Bash
A local goblin tribe is ruled over by a greater barghest (with toxic breath) named Golmokos. This barghest has recently learned of the human tradition of celebrating birthdays, and feels it has been slighted by not having its birthday celebrated previously. As keeping Golmokos happy is in everyone's best interest, the goblins have begun planning a celebration and asked the nearby village for help.
The main goal of this encounter is to collect Birthday Points (BPs) to please the barghest.
- 0-4 is a failure; the barghest will take out his anger on the goblins and potentially the village
- 5-9 is a success; the part goes well and the barghest is appeased with no further effects
- 10+ is a critical success; the barghest is thrilled with the efforts, and may grant a special boon or favor in thanks
The first order of business for the celebrations is food and drink. While the tribe certainly has access to food, the players will need to hunt up a centerpiece for the feast. This can be accomplished with a survival check to track:
- DC 12 will easily find a deer, worth 1 BP
- DC 16 will find the PCs 4 reefclaws, worth 2 BPs
- DC 20 locates a direboar, worth 3 BPs
The next order of business is entertainment. One PC should attempt a check to provide the main party entertainment by putting on a show, juggling, playing music, etc. Any entertainment check that has a significant chance of causing injury (such as shooting an arrow off of a goblin's head) grants an additional 1 BP.
- DC 15 provides decent entertainment for 1 BP
- DC 18 provides good entertainment for 2 BP
- DC 21 provides great entertainment for 3 BP
Finally the PCs will need to provide a gift for the barghest. The players may attempt a crafting or similar check to create something to present. Alternatively they could simply buy from the local craftsman. Any gift feeding into the Barghests vanity (such as holy symbols for the tribe depicting it as a deity) gain an additional 1 BP
- DC 12 (or 2GP) provides an acceptable gift worth 1 BP
- DC 16 (or 5GP) provides a nice gift worth 2 BP
- DC 20 (or 10GP) provides a fine gift worth 3 BP
These are not the only ways to gain BPs; if players come up with additional ways to enhance the party (decorations, perhaps, or arranging for some kind of special guest), feel free to reward their efforts with extra BP; the critical success is very difficult to get, but if they're creative and roll well, it should be possible.
Additional Notes/Alterations
There are a few other complications that could be added to the situation, to add more drama or simply draw it out further. Perhaps the PCs get word of an adventuring party currently on the lookout for the goblin camp or
Golmokos in particular; they then have to try to lure the group away from the party, to stop it from being interfered with. They could need to track down a specific gift, guest, or other item that Golmokos is particularly
desirous of. Some of the attendees could get excessively drunk off of goblin wine, and need the PCs to step in and calm the situation down so the barghest doesn't get too annoyed.
This could also easily be run as a one-shot, with the players taking on the roles of goblins trying to please their leader.