Heist Hijinks Moderate 3
This encounter is not designed as a combat encounter, but rather a low-level stealth/skill challenge for a group of aspiring criminals. If discovered, the PCs are assumed to have failed the encounter and will need to escape before guard forces arrive.
Tils the jeweler is said to have recently completed several fine pieces that will soon be sold. Knowing his shop is a prime target for would-be thieves, Tils employs several defensive measures to protect his store. Those include, but are not limited to, guard dogs and an alarm spell on the premises.
Assuming the PCs scout out the store. perhaps entering under the guise of wishing to look at some merchandise, they'll find the shop is a 2-story building containing a single front door as well as a window on the rear of the second floor. The second floor is where Tils lives; the window leads directly into his bedroom. Anyone entering through the bedroom window stands a high chance of waking him. His perception bonus while sleeping is +6.
Tils' two guard dogs move around the shop somewhat randomly, but typically there is one on each floor. The dogs are fed in the morning and the evening, and will make a lot of noise if they see someone enter the building. PCs who are looking to subdue the dogs might find someone selling sopophoric poison for 3gp.
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Onset 10 minutes; Maximum Duration 60 minutes;
Stage 1 -1 perception checks (10 minute); Stage 2 -2 perception checks(10 minute); Stage 3 -3 perception checks (10 minute); Stage 4 asleep (30 minutes)
If the players watch the shop just at closing time for several days in a row, they will notice the same individual coming to the shop each night. This is a wizard Tils has hired to cast an alarm spell around the front door. If the players can get close enough to hear the casting, a DC 15 arcana check will identify the spell. Alternatively, interested PCs could even approach the wizard asking about spell casting services, in which case he will readily divulge that offers magical item identification, alarm spells, magical sleep aid, and a lock spell. A DC 17 diplomacy check can get him to further elaborate that he has a long-term contract for an alarm spell with a respectable jeweler, if the PCs attempt to ask for references or inquire as to what sort of work he does most commonly. The wizard will not divulge the password to bypass the alarm under any normal means.
If the PCs get inside the building without triggering the alarm (which is very audible) or alerting the dogs, they should not experience any significant trouble grabbing their intended loot and getting out. There is a locked door (DC20 thievery to disable) in the back half of the bottom floor holding the most valuable commissions Tils has recently created.
PCs (and GMs) should be extremely aware of things that will disrupt their stealth approach. If PCs without darkvision attempt to enter the building at night, their torches might draw unwanted attention. Additionally, casting any spell with the verbal component (including both detect and dispel magic) requires speaking in a loud and clear voice, and it is clear there is a spell being cast. Similarly, breaking down a door will likewise draw attention, as will asking too many suspicious questions to or about Tils.
Additional Notes/Alterations
The reward for this is left intentionally blank; try to keep it in line with what they've gotten from previous encounters, but erring on the side of "more". There are probably no magical items or such secreted in the shop, but PCs looking for gems to supplement their spellcasting components might have some luck - more so if they arrange a commission in advance. If you are looking for a way to turn this into a longer-term plot, it is possible for PCs to find some sort of hidden note or map in Tils' place; he could have connections to some larger plot. If word gets out of their exploits, it's also possible for PCs to be recruited by another gang for a bigger job.