Gecko Grove Skill Challenge
A local tribe of Grippli located at Gecko Grove are famous for their annual Gecko races. This year, for reasons that are unknown, they have decided to open up the races to outsiders. A PC that wishes to participate in the Gecko Grove will be offered a standard Gecko for a mount. At your discretion if the PC already has a mount they could convince the Grippli to allow them entry with their personal steed. If not all PCs wish to participate you may wish to keep them engaged by allowing them to perform aid checks for their party members. Or perform an intimidate/diplomacy check to demoralize their opponents or cheer their team on.
Racing Rules
10 rounds
Each round the gecko(or rider) will perform a skill check. For every level of training the rider has they provide a +1 bonus to their mount - ex. a rider that is expert in athletics would provide a +2 bonus to the Gecko on athletic checks.
Round 1: Sprint(athletics check)
Round 2: Patches of rough terrain(Rider perception check DC 17 to notice) +5 for success
Round 3: 2 rings to hit with Gecko tongue attack. AC10 +5 points per hit
Round 4: Sprint
Round 5: Steep earth (athletics check)
Round 6: Narrow bridges(acrobatics)
Round 7: Sprint
Round 8: Stinging Nettles(Rider nature check DC 17 to identify) +5 point for success
Round 9: Survival check
Round 10: Finishing spurt Con check
For a majority of rounds you simply roll the check and add that to your score. An athletics check of 10 with a +6 bonus gives 16 points for the round. A few rounds will also have extra points available.
A gecko that rolls 10 and 15 with a bonus of 4 and -1 respectively would hit both rings in round 3 and get 10 bonus points on top of the 28 normally earned.
For your convenience 6 racing pairs are included here as well as a set of pre-rolled results. The examples are formatted as roll + modifier.
Lithweg + Marshie - These two are solid dependable racers, never having previously come in first they have been hitting the obstacle courses hard this season to put on a good show. Marshie is particularly good at the finishing spurt gaining +8 to the final check.
11+6, 17+8, (20+4/5-1), 3+6, 13+10, 6+9, 17+6, 16+6, 11+2, 18+10
Total 17, 30, 33, 9, 23, 15, 23, 27, 13,28
Total score 218
Toadwug + Barlie - A pair made for each other, surly and arrogant. This gecko is a bully gaining a bonus on strength and athletics checks.
Total 8+9, 12+8, (1+4/4-1), 2+9, 4+11, 6+9, 3+9, 12+6, 6+2, 7+2
Total 17, 25, 8, 11, 15, 15, 12, 23, 8, 9 Total score 143
Hyliwog + Furie - Are the most decorated racing champions in grove history. Nearing retirement this is said to be their last circuit. Having done so many races in their time together they make an extremely reliable team. Any roll below a 10 is increased to a 10. However, Furie’s stamina is not as good as her younger days and she takes a -2 on the final endurance check.
10+6, 10+8, (13+4/20+1), 15+6, 10+10, 10+9, 10+6, 10+6, 10+2, 13-2
Total 16, 23, 48, 21,20, 19, 16, 16, 12, 11
Total score 202
Bullywug + Cammie - Having recently returned to the village from some adventuring, Bullywug has a higher proficiency modifier in attack, perception, nature, and fortitude.
7+6, 19+10, (12+4/11-1), 2+6, 19+10, 5+9, 3+6, 17+8, 15+2, 12+3
Total 13, 34, 36, 8, 29, 14, 9, 30, 17, 15
Total score 205
Micowyg + Brownie - A highly inconsistent pair of racers. Known for often finishing with an explosive lead or sometimes in danger of getting lapped. No one is sure why their performance is so erratic. These two roll a d20 prior to each race. On a 1-5 they suffer a -3 penalty to all racing checks, on a 6-15 they have no modifiers, and a 16-20 gives them a +3 bonus to all checks. For purposes of this race they are assumed to have no modifiers.
12+6, 19+8, (3+4/16-1), 10+6, 20+10, 5+9, 19+6, 9+6, 20+2, 2+2
Total 18, 32, 27, 16, 30, 14, 25, 15, 22, 4
Total score 203
Darwig + Tarrie - Are both young and new to the racing scene. They are excited to make their debut and have no bonuses to any checks.
2+6, 2+8, (11+4/7-1), 11+6, 4+10, 17+9, 15+6, 12+6, 17+2, 18+2
Total 8, 10, 26, 17, 14, 26, 21, 23, 19, 20
Total score 184
Additional Notes/Alterations
You could add to this and make it a big occasion by introducing different events for your players to compete in, or you could make it a tournament by substituting different riders and mounts, or by removing
those that do poorly from future competitions. There's also room for using this as an introduction to future encounters - perhaps one Grippli tribe (or individual competitor) is trying to sabotage their opponents, which
becomes apparent to PCs who are paying attention (or who become themselves the victims of the saboteur).
There is also plenty of room for adjusting the race itself; skill checks and obstacles can be added or removed if something better fits your terrain or story, though I recommend always keeping the finishing spurt for flavor.
The numbers can be easily adjusted depending on your party needs and ability levels, though it should be fairly applicable for most groups.
The motivation and introduction of this encounter can be varied. Perhaps the PCs need something from a tribe, or a specific individual, and this is how they're proving their worth or trying to get an introduction. Maybe
there is a coveted item (related to a larger quest, or just powerful) up for the prize; it's easier to try to win it in a race before having to resort to theft and/or combat, and a skill encounter can be a nice way to
break up the potential monotony of a combat-heavy game.