Pixie Pranks CR 1
Well-known to the local inhabitants, a group of pixies live in the area. Although relatively harmless, they still delight in attempting to capture anyone crossing through their territory and holding them for ransom. What they do with their spoils is not currently known. Using their permanent image ability, the pixies will create two illusionary Cobra Flowers. The pixies will target someone travelling along the road and have the illusion purposefully miss whoever it targets, to keep up the ruse.
These illusions cover a twenty-foot diameter hole in the ground. Any creature that moves to melee range with the Cobra Flowers will fall into the pit unless they make a DC 14 reflex save; falling into the pit causes 2d6 damage.
The pixies will not attack directly, preferring to use memory loss against anyone who realizes that the Cobra flower is an illusion. Should someone fall into the pit, the pixies laughingly reveal themselves, chastise whomever fell into their trap and demand tribute for their freedom. They will accept as ransom mostly anything they find particularly shiny or pretty, but will try to make outlandish demands if it seems they can get away with it.
Additional notes/alterations
You can change the cobra flower to reflavor the encounter; it should just be something aggressive, that will attack from range and remain stationary without seeming too suspicious. You can also use this as a lead-in to a larger adventure, if the pixies demand not shinies as tribute but instead the assistance of the adventurers - to retrieve a valuable object, rescue a kidnapped friend, or remove something that is a threat to their community.