Dungeon 23
This dungeon was at one point in time a planar gateway. Representatives from many places would meet to discuss matters that impacted multiple planes. Nowadays it is lone since abandoned and the gateways are unpowered. Only lingering defenders and wandering monsters still inhabit these halls.
The entrance to this dungeon appears to be elven in origin. A player that speaks Elven can do a DC 13 society check to translate the archaic version to read “Arbiter’s Tomb”.
Room 1 - Moderate 1(possibly slightly easier)
An entryway with 4 alcoves each containing a skeletal warrior. These guardians contained curved elven blades in life although they have long since rusted away to nothing leaving the skeletons only with their claw attacks which makes it just under a moderate encounter.
Room 2 - Trap 1
Mural containing what appears to be a sun goddess as well as a silver, gold, and green bowl sitting on 3 respective pedestals. A DC15 religion check studying the mural determines that water must be poured in the bowls in the order of gold, green, silver to gain passage. Attempting to walk past the bowls or performing the ritual incorrectly will cause a bolt of electricity dealing 2d6+5 electricity damage with a basic DC 15 reflex save.
Room 3 - Burial Chamber
This room contains numerous sepulchers containing ancient remains. Anything beyond a cursory look will find a weapon in surprisingly good condition upon one of the bodies. This is a +1 rapier. GMs should note if this weapon is taken as it will anger some of the tomb’s guardians. A DC 18 perception check in this room also determines a hidden passage on the left side of the room.
Room 4 - Secret Room
This small room is practically featureless save a small pool in the middle of the room. The water here gives off a low grade necromantic aura. This water acts as a lesser healing potion restoring 1d6 hp, however, it loses potency after a minute when removed from the pool. A slow drip refills one dose per day and the pool can hold 3 doses and is full when the PCs first encounter it.
Room 5 - Destroyed Section
Moving right from room 3 leads to this chamber. It contains what appears to have been a tile display, however, streaks of acid burns across the floor render it impossible to determine what was supposed to be depicted here. The damage is due to an Ooze that has taken up residence here
Room 6 - Inactive gateway
This room contains a very obvious archway in the center. It is currently inactive, however, later on it may be possible to repair and use a gateway between planes.
Room 7 - Light Puzzle
This room contains a classic zelda dungeon mirror shield type puzzle. You must redirect light between 5 crystals to hit a target which will keep the door open to progress. A PC must perform a flat intelligence check to solve the puzzle. A DC 12 will get a solution using all 5 crystals, however, a DC 14/16 will come up with a more efficient solution only requiring 4/3 crystals respectively. Each unused crystal may be taken and acts as a https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=231
Room 8 - Sentry Trap This room contains a large glowing rune taking up a majority of the floor. Stepping upon the rune activates a heightened sleep spell and an inaudible alarm that summons the guardian in room 9. The rune can be avoided by skirting around the outside of the chamber requiring a DC 16 acrobatics check. This trap also does not affect any elven or half-elf PCs
Room 9 - Leaf Golem 3
5 perception
18 AC
62 HP
Fort 10, Reflex 10, Will 10
Slam: +10, Damage 1d6+5
Special Ability: Sudden Charge
This ancient guardian still performs its duties diligently. It will initially investigate if the trap in room 8 is tripped. It will not attack any elven PCs unless attacked first, however, anyone noticeably wielding the weapon from room 2 is prioritized and the golem gains +2 damage against this foe. It has orders to subdue intruders and bring them to chamber 10 for questioning. A group of PCs that succumbs to this guardian may find themselves waking up restrained in the next chamber.Room 10 - Bed chambers/Cells
This is where the guardian will deposit anyone who is knocked out. It attempts to create a makeshift prison. A few coins and other confiscated belongings can be found on the bedside tables but nothing of particular noteRoom 11 - Kitchen
This room has obviously not been used in a significant period of time. Any search of the cupboards discovers primarily broken dishwear, food that has long since rotted away, and a low-grade mithral waffle iron worth 25 gpRoom 12 - This room contains a checkpoint that used to act as a security point before people could progress deeper into the central areas. A portcullis stands in the center of the room closed with 2 skeletons still standing guard on the other side.
Source: Portcullis
Complexity: complex, Initiative: 4
Stealth DC 14 proficiency Trained
Disable Thievery DC 20 (Trained)
AC 13, Fort +4, Ref +4
Axe +9, Damage 1d6+3
Skeletons firing through the gate take a -1 penalty to ranged shots due to the slight cover
Room 13 medical center.
This room contains numerous broken down beds and what appear to be rusted and useless instruments of surgery. Several of the healing supplies are still usable. 2 minor healing potions, healer’s kit, and a lesser antidote are readily discoverable. However, a DC15 perception check can find an emergency cache with a 2nd level scroll of healRoom 14 - Garden
Most of the plants in this room are long since dead, however there are still 2 fungus plants remaining.Tiny Plant, Level -1
5 perception
10 AC
8 HP
Fort 12, Reflex 12, Will 3
Slam: +9, Damage 1d4
Room 15 - Baby Dragon
This room contains a baby etheric dragon that has recently found its way into the dungeon. It is initially more curious about the presence of the PCs, but becomes aggressive if anyone approaches its horde(a pile of 27 copper coins, 1 silver, and some polished stones)Small Dragon, Level 2
11 perception
21 AC
28 HP
Fort 15, Reflex 12, Will 6
Bite: +9, Damage 1d12+4
It came from room 17/18 initially fleeing the guardian and can sense some treasure in room 16. It has been trying to slowly tunnel into the chamber, but progress is slow. A DC 20 thievery check from the PCs can unlock the door.Room 16 treasure room
A rather modest vault of treasure. This room contains roughly 20gp of coins in various denominations. Hidden within the silver is a Predictable Silver PieceRoom 17 spent trap
There was a scythe trap in this room. The small dragon coming through triggered the trap, however, the scythe was aimed to target larger creatures and harmless went over the small creature.Room 18 boss fight + gate to level 2
This room contains the ghost of the last leader of this floor. His ghost continues to guard the entrance to the next floor. Medium Ghost, Level 310 perception
Ghostly rapier: +8, Damage 1d6+5 Deadly d8
AC 18; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +6
HP 15
Resistances all damage 3 (except force, ghost touch, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)